Foundation Privacy Policy

The Sinai Health Foundation is committed to protecting your personal information and to upholding Canadian and international privacy principles.

In the course of our fundraising activities, we frequently gather and use personal information. We value the trust placed in us by our donors and volunteers, and recognize that this trust requires us to be transparent and accountable in how we treat personal information that is shared with us.

Our privacy policy seeks to ensure that all personal information held by the Foundation will be carefully protected, and will be gathered, used, retained, and disposed of in compliance with applicable federal and provincial statutes.

The Foundation has a Privacy Officer who is accountable for the Foundation’s overall compliance with its privacy policy and acts as its primary contact on all privacy matters. The Privacy Officer can be contacted by phone 416-586-4800 ext. 5910 or [email protected]

Download our complete Privacy Policy.

Opt-out or change your contact information

If you wish to opt out of receiving communications from the Sinai Health Foundation, you may do so quickly and easily by clicking the Preferences/Unsubscribe link at the bottom of our email communications. Alternately, you may contact the Privacy Officer.


Sinai Health Foundation
1001-522 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1W7

icon of a phone

416-586-8203 or 1-877-565-8555

