Help us deliver world-class care
Choose from the many ways you can give to Sinai Health Foundation
Give a gift
You can help us lead the way in specialized programs, innovative clinics and research breakthroughs. Help transform the lives of patients and their families with your donation today.
Pay tribute to someone dear to you by making a donation in their honour.
Give thanks to a Sinai Health staff member or team who positively impacted your care.
Give a gift in the name of your family’s new arrival to help provide care to new babies and parents at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Get involved
Other ways to give
Give your organization the opportunity to transform the future of health care by working as a corporate partner with Sinai Health.
Leave a gift in your will to help fuel the future of care and discovery at Sinai Health.
Donate stocks, bonds, mutual funds and take advantage of tax benefits.
Give the gift that gives back. Purchase a gift for the community or for those closest to you.
Learn how we are transforming Mount Sinai Hospital to meet the demand for world-class care.