Bridgepoint and Mount Sinai’s Pharmacies pass provincial accreditation
While hospitals go through an accreditation process every four years, hospital pharmacies go through this accreditation even more frequently; Bridgepoint pharmacy must pass the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) stringent process every two years, and Mount Sinai Hospital does this every year, due to their sterile compounding facilities. This summer, both pharmacies went through this assessment, and both sites passed with flying colours.
The emphasis this year was on the processes in the pharmacies for filling prescriptions, compounding, handling and distributing hazardous medications as well as considering how units for store, administer and process narcotics. Mount Sinai’s Emergency Department and 4 North (Medical Rehab) at Bridgepoint were also involved in the assessment.
The OCP Hospital Advisor who completed the assessment commended Pharmacy on their commitment to continuous quality improvement, noted how impressed she was with the many patient safety initiatives that have been implemented since the last accreditation, and also recognized the positive culture and team work that she observed.
“It’s great to see our commitment to working with other areas of the hospital and creating an efficient and effective system for safe medication being recognized,” says Janice Takata-Shewchuk, senior director of Pharmacy at Sinai Health System. “Being able to share the ways we collaborate, on both sites, was a great highlight for me. I’m proud of everyone’s work throughout this process.”
Congrats to everyone in Pharmacy, and to everyone who participated in the accreditation, for this achievement.