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We support patients who have experienced changes due to brain injuries or other neurological conditions. 

We use this patented technique to target the soft tissues of the body.  

We use ultra-fine needles in acupuncture points to strengthen the immune system. 

The ACE approach is a model of care that encourages self-care and independence during and after hospitalization.

We help patients who are experiencing acute pain during their hospital stay.

We support patients admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital who are also experiencing substance use disorders.

Learn more about adenomyosis and how it is treated.

Learn more about adult strabismus and how it is treated.

We provide urgent care in our after-hours clinic.

We specialize in providing high-quality bone and soft tissue allograft products.
A scientist works on a sample in a laboratory
We deliver high-quality care and pain relief to patients.
An anesthesiologist prepares an IV tube

Learn more about appendix cancer and how it is treated.

We provide intensive treatment and support for adults with serious mental illness in the community.

We teach patients with asthma or COPD about their condition and how to improve their quality of life.

We help patients recover from injuries and prevent future injuries. 

We perform diagnostic testing to help diagnose head and neck conditions. 

We provide patients who have difficulty speaking or writing with tools to communicate.

Learn more about pregnancy care for patients with autoimmune and rheumatic conditions.

Learn more about back pain and how it is treated.

Learn more about bladder cancer and how it’s treated.