Acquired Brain Injury and Neurologic Rehabilitation

We support patients who have experienced changes due to brain injuries or other neurological conditions. 

What we do

The Acquired Brain Injury and Neurologic Rehabilitation in-hospital program cares for patients who have functional impairments caused by injuries or illnesses affecting the brain or nervous system. 

Our patients do not need to be in an acute-care hospital, but still need to learn how to adapt to changes in their abilities before they can safely return to living in the community.

Our program cares for patients who have experienced:

  • Loss of function after a motor vehicle accident, fall or other accident
  • Brain tumours
  • Other neurologic conditions including peripheral nerve injury, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease 

We provide both rehabilitation and reconditioning therapy. The type of therapy patients receive is based on their unique needs, goals and the reasons for admission.

What to expect

Soon after you arrive at Hennick Bridgepoint, members of your care team will meet with you and your caregivers to talk about your care. We will discuss your goals and work with you to develop a care plan that is specific to your needs.

For example, some patients are adapting to living with complications such as seizures, fatigue, memory loss or difficulty speaking. Others are relearning basic skills like how to walk or talk, while some patients are working towards returning to living on their own.

Your therapy

Therapy can take many different forms depending on your individual needs. Your therapy team may include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, recreation therapists and therapy assistants.  

During your Acquired Brain Injury and Neurologic Rehabilitation program, you may have individual or group therapy in our gym, pool or other therapeutic areas. Your therapy may include exercises and activities to improve any of the following:

  • Mobility, balance, strength and coordination
  • Speaking, reading, writing or swallowing
  • Thinking and memory
  • Use of adaptive equipment like a walker or a shower bench

Our therapists encourage patients and their caregivers to take an active role in rehabilitation. Your therapist or physician may teach you how to practice exercises on your own time in a safe way.  

Please note we are a teaching hospital, so you may see medical students, residents and learners from various health professions as part of your care. Learners are supervised by other members of our dedicated health-care team who work together to provide you with comprehensive care.

Partners in care

You and your caregivers are important partners in your care. You can speak with any member of your care team about anything related to your care and rehabilitation. You can also request a family/caregiver meeting with your team to discuss your progress, your goals and the plan for discharge.

Leaving the hospital

Planning to leave the hospital begins soon after you are admitted. You will be ready for discharge when you no longer need medical care at the hospital.

Your care team

Learn more about the members of our dedicated health-care team who work together to provide comprehensive care for patients.  

How to access our services

We accept referrals from acute-care hospitals. Visit our referral criteria for more information.