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Learn more about ulcerative colitis and how it is treated.

We use high frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of your body. 

We provide innovative treatment and care for patients with urologic cancers.
A male urologic oncology patient sitting down and going through chemotherapy

We diagnose and treat cancers of the urinary tract and reproductive organs.

We treat patients with pelvic floor disorders affecting the vagina, bladder, anus and rectum. 

We offer a comprehensive range of care for health conditions that affect the urinary tract and reproductive organs.
A urologist takes the blood pressure of a female patient in a wheelchair

Learn more about fibroids and how they are treated.

Learn more about vaginal bleed and how it is treated.

We treat patients with inflammation of the blood vessels caused by vasculitis.

Learn more about vertigo and how it is treated.

We use computed tomography (CT) scans or X-rays to examine the inside of your bowel.

We diagnose and treat skin conditions that affect the vulva and surrounding area.

Learn what to expect during your baby’s stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

We specialize in many areas of women’s health, pregnancy, fetal and neonatal care.
A woman sitting in a hospital bed kisses her newborn baby

We provide timely access to several women’s health procedures.

We care for patients transitioning from The Hospital for Sick Children’s SLE clinic to adult care.