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Medical laboratory professionals are the “cornerstone of diagnosis”

Norma Layno, Administrative Director, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine poses with Dr. Maureen Shandling, EVP, Medical and Academic Affairs
Norma Layno, Administrative Director, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine poses with Dr. Maureen Shandling, EVP, Medical and Academic Affairs.

Medical laboratory professionals work around the clock to provide accurate and timely results vital to medical decisions about our patients’ health. These health care professionals use a variety of instruments and equipment to collect, prepare and analyze tissue and fluid samples.

April 22-April 28 is National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, and Sinai Health System specially recognizes its laboratory professionals and celebrates their dedication as a crucial member of the health care team, collaborating together to improve patient care and outcomes.

“We salute our outstanding laboratory professionals and all laboratory teams within Pathology and Lab Medicine, and Microbiology working together to provide accurate results for patients,” says Dr. Maureen Shandling, EVP, Medical and Academic Affairs with responsibility for the labs. “They are the cornerstone of diagnosis and an integral part of the larger patient care team, directly contributing to preserving and enhancing patients’ lives.”

The annual celebration of medical laboratory professionals and pathologists showcases the important work and celebrates the positive impact on patient outcomes.

Using leading edge technology, laboratory professionals provide diagnostic testing that leads to the detection of potential health problems; the sooner a disease is caught, the likelihood increases for a positive outcome.

“Our staff is our pride; their dedication and commitment to their profession really shine,” says Norma Layno, Administrative Director, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

Norma Layno, Administrative Director, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine poses with Dr. Maureen Shandling, EVP, Medical and Academic Affairs
Norma Layno, Administrative Director, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine poses with Dr. Maureen Shandling, EVP, Medical and Academic Affairs.
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