Rolling up our sleeves for the COVID-19 vaccine

Headshot of Dr. Laveena Munshi.
Dr. Laveena Munshi

Just one year after the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic, many health-care providers have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. As the vaccines become more widely available across the province, we asked some of our people at Sinai Health about what getting the vaccine means to them. We encourage everyone to roll up your sleeve when the vaccine is available to you.

“As a critical care physician, I have seen first-hand how this pandemic has disrupted our society on all levels. It has led to unprecedented loss across society (human and economic) and immense stress and strain on the health care system.

My partner and I are both critical care physicians so the COVID-19 anxiety was particularly high in our household. As we approach one year into the pandemic, many of us are experiencing burn out, fatigue and psychological turmoil from what we have witnessed.

But under this mountain of despair, the vaccine has provided us with hope. For me, this hope has re-ignited strength and momentum within. Vaccination is one measure we can take as a society to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our elders, our health care institutions and our country against COVID-19.”

Dr. Laveena Munshi, Critical Care Physician, Mount Sinai Hospital

Ryan Bondoc

“I got the vaccine because I felt it was the right thing to do to help protect myself and the people around me. I just wanted to do my part.”

Ryan Bondoc, RN, Palliative Care Unit, Bridgepoint Active Healthcare

“I chose to take the vaccine for my family and because safety is very important to me!”

Angela Jones, Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy Assistant, Alternate Level of Care Unit, Bridgepoint Active Healthcare
Angela Jones

Sharon Alvarez

“I work in the Intensive Care Unit and now that I have had the vaccine I feel more comfortable, more protected. I also feel less afraid that I could bring COVID-19 home, which is important because I help take care of family members who are in their 90s.”

Sharon Alvarez, Service Assistant, Support Services, Mount Sinai Hospital

“I was overjoyed to get the call to receive my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. It was a surreal moment. It has been a tumultuous ride since I was redeployed to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Mount Sinai in March of 2020. We have had a year of so much change and of long days with sometimes 400 people being assessed. This opportunity for a vaccine to help us head to a new state of normalcy is so welcomed, not just for us as health-care providers but for our family members and friends.”

Brenda O’Connor, RN, COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital
Headshot of Brenda O'Connor.
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