Sinai Health recognized with 15 Leading Practices

 A seal with the words Accreditation Canada Exemplary Standing

Last July, we were celebrating our Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada. This July we are celebrating the acceptance of 15 leading practices submitted to Health Standard Organization (HSO).

An affiliate of Accreditation Canada, HSO’s focus is on developing standards, assessment programs, and other methodologies to enable health and social service providers around the world to move the needle on quality while doing what they do best: saving and improving lives.

In total, Sinai Health submitted 20 Leading Practices for consideration as part of our Accreditation survey. A leading practice is defined as a practice carried out by a health and/or social service organization that has demonstrated a positive change, is people centred, safe and efficient.

Below is a list of the Leading Practices:

  1. Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria: a pathway to zero
  2. Establishing electronic surveillance to support prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection
  3. Family Integrated Care Model in the Neonatal Intensive Care
  4. A multi-disciplinary team approach to reduce severe maternal morbidity in women with invasive placenta previa
  5. Reducing Unplanned Extubations in the NICU, a Quality Improvement Initiative
  6. Self-Care High Risk Antenatal Program (Home in the hospital: Hospitality Suites)
  7. The Perinatal Mental Health Telemedicine Program
  8. Placental Mole Disease
  9. Healthy Living with Pain Program, Mount Sinai Academic Family Health Team
  10. Addressing Workplace Harassment & Discrimination
  11. Measuring Health Equity in TC LHIN: Leading Patient Demographic Data Collection in 16 Hospitals
  12. Safe and Effective Medication Management at the Point of Discharge from an Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
  13. Access to health care volunteering for underrepresented minorities
  14. IF YOU CHART IT, WE WILL COME: Proactive Identification of High Needs Behavioural Patients
  15. Integrated Hip Fracture Pathway
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