Dr. Melissa Nutik
Dr. Melissa Nutik is a family physician practicing comprehensive Family Medicine in the Mount Sinai Academic Family Heath Team. She sees patients of all ages and also provides full scope maternity care. She is a clinician educator and holds a faculty appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is actively involved in teaching learners of all levels.
Dr. Nutik completed her medical degree and Family Medicine residency training at the University of Toronto. Subsequently she completed a one year academic fellowship in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and a Masters of Education Degree in Health Professional Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Dr. Nutik is the undergraduate educate scholarship lead for the Office of Education Scholarship of the Department of Family and Community Medicine. Her area of academic interest is medical education, with a focus on clinical and communication skills and evaluation.
60 Murray Street, 4th Floor, Box 25
Family Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto ON M5T 3L9