Policies and Standard Operating Procedures

Find documents related to the Research Ethics Board policies and standard operating procedures.
Version NumberTitle
MSH TORMount Sinai Hospital REB Terms of Reference (PDF)
SOP TOCTable of Contents (PDF)
SOP GOTGlossary of Terms (PDF)
SOP REFReferences (PDF)
100 General Administration (100-108)
SOP 101Authority and Purpose (PDF)
SOP 102Research Requiring REB Review (PDF)
SOP 103Training and Education (PDF)
SOP 104Management of REB Office Personnel (PDF)
SOP 105AConflicts of Interest – REB Members and REB Office Personnel (PDF)
SOP 105BConflicts of Interest – Researcher (PDF)
SOP 105CConflicts of Interest – Organization (PDF)
SOP 106Signing Authority (PDF)
SOP 107Use and Disclosure of Personal Information (PDF)
SOP 108Standard Operating Procedures Maintenance (PDF)
200 REB Organization (201-204)
SOP 201Composition of the REB (PDF)
SOP 202Management of REB Membership (PDF)
SOP 203Duties of REB Members (PDF)
SOP 204REB Office Personnel Serving as REB Members (PDF)
300 Functions and Operations (301-303)
SOP 301REB Submission Requirements and Administrative Review (PDF)
SOP 302REB Meeting Administration (PDF)
SOP 303Document Management (PDF)
400 Review of Research (401-407)
SOP 401Delegated Review (PDF)
SOP 402REB Review Decisions (PDF)
SOP 403Initial Review – Criteria for REB Approval (PDF)
SOP 404Ongoing REB Review Activities (PDF)
SOP 405Continuing Review (PDF)
SOP 406Research Completion (PDF)
SOP 407Suspension or Termination of REB Approval (PDF)
500 Reviews Requiring Special Consideration (501)
SOP 501REB Review During Publically Declared Emergencies (PDF)
600 REB Communication and Notification (601-602)
SOP 601Communication – Researcher (PDF)
SOP 602Communication – Research Participants (PDF)
700 Informed Consent (701)
SOP 701Informed Consent Form Requirements and Documentation (PDF)
800 Responsibilities of Investigators (801)
SOP 801Researcher Qualifications and Responsibilities (PDF)
900 Quality Management (901-902)
SOP 901Quality Assurance Inspections – SOP not currently applicable at MSH
SOP 902External Inspections and Audits (PDF)
SOP 903Non-Compliance (PDF)