Masking update: As of October 16, 2024, masks are required in patient care areas, patient rooms and waiting rooms. 

Silencing Your Inner Critic | Virtual

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People walk the labyrinth outside Hennick Bridgepoint hospital

Is there a little voice in your head that often says to you, “You won’t do it right, so why bother?” or “Either I get that new job, or I’ll be stuck in this one forever!” 

Your inner “critic” is that voice – the one that is all-too-ready to berate, criticize and demean you. If your “critic” is not managed, it can rob you of feeling good about yourself. Strong self-esteem – the value and worth you put on yourself – is an attribute that enables you to succeed at work and in relationships. In order to have healthy self-esteem, it’s important to confront the “critic” and change the language of that internal voice. There are many strategies that can help people develop healthy self-esteem.

NOTE: This seminar does not cover dealing with criticism from others.

Facilitated by Telus Health.




People Experience